In order to use Piano Marvel we recommend following:
To take advantage of all of Piano Marvel's features, we recommend practicing on a MIDI enabled piano. If you are using an acoustic piano, you can use Piano Marvel in "Book Mode". There is a wide rage of pianos and keyboards available. If you don't already have a piano keyboard, we highly recommend choosing a quality brand like the ones on our store. Click here to purchase a digital keyboard.
We recommend using a device that has the following minimum requirements.
- PC: Windows 7 SP3 or later and 4 GB RAM
- Mac: OSX 10.8.5 or later and 4 GB RAM
- iPad or iPhone: iOS 12 or later and 2 GB RAM
If you are using a digital piano, a quality MIDI connection is important for the best learning experience. Depending on your keyboard, you may need a USB MIDI interface cable, or a USB A/B cable. Check on your keyboard to see which of these two connection types your keyboard uses. You can purchase the appropriate cable for your keyboard at our store.
A good internet connection is highly recommended when using Piano Marvel. 1mbps connection or faster should be adequate for a smooth learning experience.
If you have specific questions about your equipment, or equipment that you are considering purchasing for use with Piano Marvel, please contact us.