What Is the Best Age for Someone To Learn Piano?


Have you been wanting to familiarize yourself with the ivory keys but worrying that it’s too late? Find out more about the best age for someone to learn piano.

The passion and excitement we have when we choose to begin a new hobby are much more important than the age at which we begin. That’s why there are no age restrictions when it comes to learning the piano, as this wonderful instrument is for all. However, there is still some useful information you should know about the best ages for someone to learn the piano.

Starting Early

When you decide to take on learning the piano, understand that your education will be a life-long process. Even some of the most advanced piano players will often tell you that they still regularly learn new things about this instrument. It is beneficial to start learning the piano as early as possible, as it provides more time to practice and advance. Many parents will enroll their children in piano lessons at 5 to 9 years of age for this reason.

The Best Age?

While many people attend piano lessons at a younger age, that is not a hard and fast rule. The truth of the matter is that the best age for someone to start learning the piano is at whatever age they choose to begin. 

Adults often assume that it is too late to start something they have always wanted to try.  However, the following adage might sum it up best:  “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” In fact, when you choose to learn the piano at an older age, you may be more likely to make progress because you often have developed the dedication and maturity it requires.

Piano Marvel Is for All

Now that we have established that the best time to start is right now, you might be wondering about how to begin. Learning how to play the piano can be daunting and intimidating, but with the right courses, it doesn’t have to be. Many schools offer access to unique programs that make learning piano easier and more exciting. One of those programs is Piano Marvel’s music class software, which is for students of all ages.

The best place for beginners to start is with the Method and Technique Trophy Case sections in our app. In these sections, you will learn methods and techniques with the Piano Marvel Method, a comprehensive curriculum we created with great care. Our interactive method keeps you motivated, awarding you a trophy for each piece or technique you pass with flying colors. Start adding to your trophy case today; we want to see it filled with all your accomplishments!

Learn to play piano online today with Piano Marvel!

  • Get real-time feedback as you learn
  • Over 25,000 popular songs and exercises
  • Designed by professional piano teachers