What is Practice Mode? | Piano Marvel

What is Practice Mode?

A Stand Out Feature of Piano Marvel

One of the most revolutionary features in Piano Marvel is actually one of the oldest. It’s the reason we can claim that students learn at least 5x faster with Piano Marvel and why many teachers say it’s as much as 10x faster for their students. It’s one of the reasons why teachers around the world refuse to teach without Piano Marvel. It’s the reason why people all over the globe are playing their favorite songs faster than they dared dream they could. This revolutionary feature is Practice Mode

What is Practice Mode?

What is Practice Mode?


Practice Mode splits up a song, piece, or exercise into bite-sized pieces called learning sections. Not only are they split up into phrases to be easier to learn, but they are also organized in a specific learning path that eases the process of putting those sections together and aids in quick and accurate memorization. These learning sections and paths are designed by professional piano teachers the way that they would help their students learn if they were spoon-feeding them. Let’s get something straight: The only reason piano teachers have to spoon-feed their students in the first place is that it takes students years to learn the art of how to practice, and until they do, they need someone to spoon-feed them. Essentially, Piano Marvel takes over that role and teaches the student how to practice effectively and efficiently. Students don’t need to worry about what to practice, how long to practice, when to move on, etc. If they simply work through the sections one by one, not moving on until they get their desired score (usually 96% or higher, 100% for best results), they will master the piece extremely quickly and without mistakes.

Practice Mode

Whole, Chopped, or Minced?


You’ll notice that in the Practice Mode menu, there are usually three different options to choose from; whole, chopped, and minced. Whole is simply the entire piece, not split up in any way. Chopped and Minced are where the magic happens, and it’s important to know which to use. Chopped is split into larger sections, while minced is divided into smaller sections. Typically, the minced option splits the right and left hands to learn separately and later bring together, while the chopped does not offer right and left hand separately. You should use whole if you can relatively easily read through the piece. You should use chopped if you have a hard time reading it, but you can still relatively quickly play both hands together as you learn. You should use minced if it is difficult for you to play the piece with both hands together. Even very advanced pianists can benefit from using the minced option when learning new pieces. Often it is best to start at minced even if you feel you could handle chopped, but use your best judgment. 

Practice Mode, Whole, Chopped, Minced

Does Practice Mode Replace My Teacher?


While Practice Mode can help you learn a piece quickly and extremely accurately, what we consider the mechanics of a piece, it cannot help you add emotion and expression. That is where a teacher is invaluable. Technology will never be able to replace the guidance and help of a teacher on this front. If you are learning to play without a teacher’s help, the next best thing is to study other pianists and try to emulate them. Pay attention to their position, posture, movements, dynamics (how loudly or softly they play at different parts of the piece). Most importantly, note the emotions that you feel while they play and try to bring out your own emotions as you play your newly learned piece. 

Teenage boy playing piano using Piano Marvel

Practice mode is an incredibly useful tool to help you learn how to practice effectively and efficiently and help you learn new pieces faster and more perfectly than you ever thought possible. Give it a try on one of your favorite songs at pianomarvel.com.

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