Learn To Play Your Favorite Songs

Piano Marvel makes it easy to learn your favorite songs with the revolutionary “Learn Mode.” Learn a new song today and play it for your friends in no time. Here are some great tips for you as you take this very rewarding journey.


Step 1 - Choosing Your Song

Choose wisely! This might be the hardest step in the whole process. You want to find a song that sounds good but is easy to learn, something that will impress your friends but won’t make you frustrated. I call these pieces “Magic Songs,” and over the years, I have made a list of the best of the best. I will share a few of my favorites that are guaranteed to help you succeed.


#1 Carol of the Bells

#2) Perfect by Ed Sheeran 

#3 Serve the Lord


Are you looking for more songs? Here is a secret tip that not many people know about. In the Piano Marvel library, you can do a title search for “FUN SONGS” and find my list of “Magical Songs.” There are different levels of pieces, so choose a lower level piece and see how fast you can learn it, then move to another. Soon you will have several songs that you can play for your friends and family.

Watch this video of Michelle as she explains how to choose a piece.


Step 2 - Piano Marvel’s Learn Mode 

Learning an impressive song can be a daunting task if you don’t know how to take the song apart and learn it systematically. With Piano Marvel’s “Learn Mode,” all the pedagogical work is done behind the scenes. All you have to do is follow the path step by step. Trust the system! Thousands of hours have gone into research and development to decode the best learning practices that actually work. Studies have shown that people learn 10 times faster with this systematic approach. I often tell people if they want to learn fast, they need to practice slowly and in small sections. Start at the top and work your way across, then down.

Watch Joel’s Video about Learn Mode in Piano Marvel.


Step 3 - Polish and Perform

After you finish getting 100% on each of the sections, it’s time to polish the song and get it ready to perform for your friends and family. Here you will be focusing on sound. Comparing your song to a professional recording, try to hear the subtle differences and experiment to see how you can create the sound you are looking for. Experiment with different pedaling, dynamics, and phrasing and make the piece magical. Remember, this is art, and it's your performance, so make it sound like you want it to sound.


Watch Michelle’s Video about perfecting your piece.


If you're ready to get started, create your Piano Marvel account now! Fill in the fields to the right of this article and start learning your favorite songs today!


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  • Get real-time feedback as you learn
  • Over 25,000 popular songs and exercises
  • Designed by professional piano teachers