Learn to Play Piano | Piano Marvel

Learn to Play Piano

And Have Fun Doing It!

“Please can I quit Piano Lessons!?” I was 13 years old; I knew if I persisted long enough, I would eventually come off conqueror! All it would take is a little more whining, a little more complaining, and I knew I would hit the right button with my mother. I had already pushed beyond the point of emotional distress. Just a little bit further.

A few weeks later, my teacher had me perform in a recital. I played a very simplified version of Malaguena. I stood up at the end, and can you believe it, everyone was clapping! At that instant, I knew that I had what it takes to make it big with my piano career. I later told my mom, “I guess I want to become a concert pianist!”

Boy Bowing At A Piano

I probably was never that talented, but work overcomes all lack of talent, right? Maneuvering through the maze of emotion, motivation, and inspiration in learning to play the piano is paramount.

I went on and received a degree in Piano Performance and Pedagogy (teaching). I was amazed that the professionals knew very little about motivation and inspiration. As I started teaching my children, I quickly realized that if I had taught them how I was taught to teach piano, they probably would have quit!

A few years ago,  I heard about the Piano Marvel assessment technology. As a parent, I was already feeling the upward climb and challenge to help my children learn. I set up a free account for my kids on the computer, and a few months later, I saw my kids take on a life of their own. They began learning the skill set quickly, and because they found cool pieces, they wanted to learn! They began practicing without me asking them. 

Piano Marvel Quick Tour Video Capture

Today, I am a proud papa. Several of my children can sit down and sight-read music that would take many pianists months to learn. There was something about the online platform, the technical language, and the Piano Marvel app’s systematic approach that motivated and inspired. 

I have learned that a little friendly competition is great! Anna is still trying to beat her younger brother Gabe’s sight-reading score!

My adult students and my younger students are having a blast developing a talent that will bring musical joy throughout their lives. My youngest son just started playing and had a great time learning a fantastic new piece by rote:

A Classical Showdown YouTube Screen Capture

Ensembles and Duets have been a critical part of creating fun and enduring excitement.

 A Boogie in My Woogie YouTube Screen Capture

I believe the secret is to find a system of motivation, inspiration, and FUN that will keep YOU and your kids/students on the path to success until they arrive.

Learn to play piano online today with Piano Marvel!

  • Get real-time feedback as you learn
  • Over 25,000 popular songs and exercises
  • Designed by professional piano teachers